
Application To Reduce Food Waste

Application To Reduce Food Waste
Application To Reduce Food Waste

Android application that helps user track and reduce food waste at homes.

Our UK based client envisioned an application that would help every household develop more sustainable habits in routine tasks like cooking and grocery shopping and waste as little food as possible. To expand their customer market, they reached us to build an Android application for them. The native android application is developed with Java and Android Studio.

Simply by scanning the barcode of the groceries user picked, they will have an inventory list prepared with details of each grocery listed and sorted by their expiry date. The app will not only remind user to consume them before they go bad, but also suggest delicious recipes containing only the groceries they have in their inventory. These delicious and exciting recipes are contributed by partnered food bloggers.

In addition to delicious recipes, users can also find inspirational tips and articles on how to cut down on their food waste. Users can get a deeper understanding for which product they tend to waste the most, so they can keep that in mind while buying it the next time.

The application helped our client gain exposure in the Android market and attracts more customers. While, the android users will be able to use this amazing application to save their money, time and the environment.

Technologies used

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