
Mobile Pronunciation Map

Mobile Pronunciation Map
Mobile Pronunciation Map
Mobile Pronunciation Map

A client of Technigent had a website that lets visitors drop a pin anywhere on a world map and record the pronunciation of the chosen location. The client wanted to create a mobile application that allows users to do the same thing on the go.

Technigent developed an iPhone application with the same features as the website using the native iOS interface. Additionally, the app provides map integration and a GPS-enabled facility to trace the current location of users, while users can navigate the map by category for better search-ability. Technigent also provided the client with moderation capabilities over the app. When a new pronunciation is added, it only appears on the map after admins have received the notification and approved it.

As a result of the mobile location pronunciation guide and map, the client was able to reach a wider audience and see their app gain more users.

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